Wednesday, May 4, 2011

MTV Producer Responds Back!

Hmm…Hey everyone! It is I again, the one and only. Of course I always have to write before I go to work. Eek! Work. Yuck. Well, it is ok because I know that I am heading in the right direction. I don’t really have a topic per se to elaborate on but I did want to post some things that were happening in my life so far.
As everyone knows I am trying to become an author and a writer. Those of which are my highest passions but on the same level as fashion, make-up and entertainment. I was reading this article about this lady from New York House Wives, whose name is Bethany. She has a new show of her own called Bethany Ever After. I was skimming through the article and it said that basically she went on the reality show to promote herself and her passion.
            I said wow. That’s really cool. She was a struggling chef living in New York, poor and used one reality show to get to the next to get to her huge career and now has millions of dollars of endorsements. Why didn’t I think of that? (Ding) A light bulb went off in my head. People are always telling me that I should be on t.v. or I should be on the radio. But I need to be somewhere in the peoples eye. And yes, that has been my little secret…well not secret but I do want to be on t.v.
            So, I am going through my second draft of my book which I am finishing up this week and about to ship out. I want to be on t.v. so I could market myself and I think more people need to see a stylish divalicious African-American Muslim. So, I took the liberty to go on different websites and see what shows I could get on. Not shows that would exploit me but shows that would show the real me. I applied to six shows. And one producer from MTV emailed me back. Which is super exciting because my sister and I love MTV. 
            Yesterday my friend took a lot of crazy and bombshell-ish pictures of me so I can send them to MTV. They also required me to send in a video of myself. The show is all about fashion and I am excited. Although I don’t know if I will get on the show, it’s cool to be noticed by a producer from MTV. So I will keep you all posted on the outcome.
            2011 is our year. I keep saying that because I have challenged myself and other sisters and people that I know to take this year and lets see what we can do. How much can you get done in an hour, a day, a week, in the year?  People need motivation and so do I. People who have stable support systems and goals are much better in life, more happier and most likely to succeed. Let’s stop hating on each other and breaking each other down and let’s get to work.   
            I spoke to another good friend yesterday while I was off from work and she said that ten years had passed and she hadn’t accomplished anything, she said the time was now. And I felt her when she said that. Because three years passed and I was left asking myself the same thing. What have I done with myself? What have I learned or accomplished within that time?
            Yeah, I feel good about the remaining months of this year. I am making progress. I think. Lol. Well, that is all for now and I am off to work. So until next time, Muah!

The Juicy Details,


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