Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Judgment and Criticism: The Thin Line Between Just Being Plain Disrespectful

Greetings on this glorious morning. To my few readers, how you doing? (Wendy Williams Voice). I am writing this short piece before I begin work on my book. I am on chapter four now. Glee!
            Today I want to talk about judgment and criticism from other people. One is an opinion. And the other is a disapproval of something, someone. Everyone has a right to their own opinions, we all come from different walks of life and were raised with separate values. And that’s ok. But then there are others that are the most low-down, most negative and judgmental people you ever heard or seen. And they are the main ones that are doing what they are criticizing you for. Not cool.
            This life and world are full of criticisms. And each one we should not reject. Some of them are coming from people we love, people we don’t know and some people that we don’t want to know. It’s your choice whether or not you want to look in it or find some truth. When a teacher puts tons of red marks on your paper, he is not trying to be mean he is giving you constructive criticism. When your friend pulls you to the side and says that your all up in someone’s face and you need to cool it down, its constructive criticism. They are doing it to help you, not hinder you.  
            And that is the main difference between disrespectful judgment and constructive criticism; one is vindictive and the other is to see you succeed.
            People like me, don’t take criticisms well. In my mind, if I don’t like you, your known for doing the exact opposite of what you preach and your life is in shambles, I turn the other cheek. And if you persist you may get a few words (clears throat).
            In my mind most people who have something to say to you about something you’re doing all the time, is what I like to call a hater. This term is used interchangeably through modern day society. This word is not to be used lightly. When I call someone a hater, it’s because they are. It’s the one (or two) person who will always have something to say about what you’re doing. No matter if it is wrong. No matter if it’s right. They will always pass judgment about it.
            Some of them even go as far as to pass their judgment and criticisms on you behind your back and most popularly on the computer screen. Very indirect and indiscrete. I wonder sometimes how we would ever get by without bashing people on the internet without Facebook. But I diverge.
            So these “people” are talking about your every move; the way you talk, the way you dress, who you hang out with, what you do for a living. It’s like wow; they are really trying to make an auto-biography about you. Because gosh, they just know so much about you. And they seem so interested about what you’re doing while usually their lives are crumbling away.
            I see this so much. And I noticed that the more someone criticized and bashed other people the more that person had good friends and even mates leaving them. No one wants to be around that. And they live their lives in denial about it. They seem to think and believe that it’s acceptable to judge you harshly even though they are probably doing the same or less.
            Some people just hate to see you happy. They want you to be miserable like them, so they will try all their tricks to get you the same as them. Misery loves company. They won’t say go for it, instead they will say, “Why you want to do that for, that’s dumb.”
            One time I was talking about finishing up college a few years ago and two people (I won’t say names but they were females) they said so many negative things about it. I was shocked. How many negative things can you say about something that’s positive like getting an education? Luckily for me those people got the cut.
            You are the weakest link. Good bye.
            There are too many people out here that are doing the exact same things as you. They are willing to support your ideas and your lifestyle. Go find them. Travel. Take new classes that interest you. You will find them. People who are not going to support you mentally, physically and socially has to get the cut.
            Their goal in life is to bring you disease. I’ve been there, done that. Rid yourself of them before it’s too late. And I mean family too. Keep your distance if you can’t rid them. If its constant negativity and criticism from your spouse or family then you need to reconsider some things in your life. What are your priorities and where do these people fit it?
Much love,

The Juicy Details


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